Add Your Dental Practice

Are you a dental professional looking to expand your practice and reach more patients? Join Brightest Smiles Dentist Finder, one of the leading dental directories, and connect with individuals seeking quality dental care in your area.

Why Join Brightest Smiles Dental Directory?

Increase Your Visibility

Get found by thousands of potential patients searching for dental services.

Showcase your expertise with reviews and ratings from satisfied patients.

Highlight your services, specialties, operating hours, and more.

Update your information anytime through the help of our representatives.

Premium Listing Features

Take your practice’s visibility to the next level with our premium listing, available for a one-time fee of just $100. Premium members enjoy exclusive benefits, including:

  • Add Your Logo: Make your profile stand out with your practice’s logo.
  • Showcase Images: Upload photos of your practice, staff, and facilities.
  • Website Link: Direct patients to your website for more information.
  • Social Media Links: Connect your social media profiles to engage with patients online.
  • Custom Text: Add your custom business description that will greatly help your business profile.

Best of all, this is a permanent listing—pay just once and enjoy these benefits forever.


Is there a cost to join the Brightest Smiles Dental Directory?

Basic listings are free. We also offer premium features for enhanced visibility and patient engagement for a one-time fee of just $100.

How long does it take for my listing to be approved?

Approval typically takes 2-3 business days after submission.

Can I update my listing after it’s published?

Yes, you can send us an email anytime to update your practice information. Will will manually update it for you.

Need Assistance?

Our support team is here to help! If you have any questions or need assistance with your listing, please contact us.

How It Works

  1. Send a Request to Get Listed: Click the button below to submit your request.
  2. Indicate Your Preference: Upon request, let us know whether you want a free or premium listing.
    • If Premium: We will send you a link to pay. Send us the payment receipt along with all your business details.
    • If Free: Please send us all your business details.
  3. Review: We will review your request and notify you once your business profile/listing page is live.
  4. Attract New Patients: Once your listing is live, start attracting new patients to your practice.

Ready to Get Started?

Join the Brightest Smiles community and start connecting with new patients today. Simply fill out the form to add your dental practice to our directory.
