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Prosthodontics specializes in the improvement of the mouth through the treatment of gum disease as well as the use of dental implants and cosmetic dental veneers. Sometimes considered as cosmetic dentistry, a prosthodontist focus on mouth rehabilitation by improving the overall appearance of the dentition.

What to Expect from Prosthodontic Treatment

An appointment enables a patient to consult with a dental specialist. During the consultation, the dentist thoroughly examines the condition of the teeth and jaw, and oral health of the patient. With the information gathered, the prosthodontist recommends the best possible treatment options as well as the cost of mouth rehabilitation. From there, it’s up to the patient whether or not to pursue the treatment options advised by the dental specialist. It is also during this time that the dentist will answer any question made by the patient. If the patient chooses to proceed, what happens next will have a positive impact on his/her confidence and overall oral health.

At Brightest Smiles Dentist Finder, we have the best prosthodontist for your mouth makeover. When it comes to advanced dentistry, it’s important to ask if the dental specialist has the credentials, experience, and expertise. Our dentists are well-experienced in improving the appearance of your mouth and teeth. Since we have the best credentials, knowledge, and skills to perform dental implants, install cosmetic dental veneers, and treat gum problems, we can assure you we’ll meet your expectations.

If you have lost or damaged teeth, prosthodontics treatment can help restore your lovely smile by completing your set of teeth. Although they are replacement teeth, we work with excellent materials to make sure they have the function, comfort, and aesthetic like the real ones. From porcelain veneers to fixed bridges, our expert in this field of advanced dentistry can carry out the specialized procedures and complete the dental restoration.

Our prosthodontists work hand-in-hand with other dental specialists like periodontists to achieve the best results for your mouth makeover. A coordinated therapy will enhance the outcome of the restoration since periodontal treatment improves the condition of your gum and jaws before the prosthodontic procedure.

If the current appearance of your mouth and teeth makes you lose your self-esteem, call us today for your free evaluation and find out how we can improve your confidence by restoring your beautiful smile!

Frequently Asked Questions About Prosthodontist

How Much Does Prosthodontic Cost?

The cost of dental implants, veneers, and other treatment options may vary from one dental office to another. If you worry about the cost of prosthodontic treatment, getting insurance will help reduce the expenses of your mouth restoration.

What is the Difference Between a Dentist and a Prosthodontist?

Prosthodontics is advanced dentistry dealing with the restoration of the mouth by focusing on the three main services, dental implants, treatment of gum diseases, and veneers.

Areas we serve:

TEXAS, Houston, San Antonio, Lubbock
